Shine Bright Like a Star

Shine Bright Like a Star

Have you ever been in a situation where it seems like everything is not enough? A situation where we complain about all things? As a believer, we can be easily judged and all eyes are on us. So how can we be an “influencer” in times of those incidents? Stay calm and stop complaining! Attitude is everything. It is like a barometer for the heart. When we complain, it can be a result of an ungrateful heart while arguing is a manifestation of a prideful heart. You cannot be pure if your heart contains such attributes and faults. Pride, indignation, arrogance, entitlement and greed seem to becoming a commonality today. But if we become grateful, humble, selfless and kind… we will shine like stars in the darkness. We can light up the world and we become pure for Jesus to manifest in our lives.