Anger without Sinning

Anger without Sinning

Is it really possible to be angry without sinning? Seems like Paul is giving us permission to be angry sometimes. But we should look at it from the Lord’s perspective – that it is okay to be angry considering we are bounded by biblical ethics. As believers, we are required to be imitators of Jesus and to be Christ-like. Even our Father in heaven gets angry when His righteous standards are violated. If we are to imitate Him, we too must be angry towards the things make God angry. Remember that God is not fundamentally angry, He is fundamentally righteous. So every time we are mad, make sure we do not sin by checking ourselves that we are only upset at the things God hates. This is the perversion of goodness; the turning from wrong to right. Most importantly, when we are angry, never think about of revenge and pouring wrath to others. We should hate the sin not the sinner. Do not trick ourselves that our anger is godly when it is not pleasing to the Lord. If you are angry, it is better to confess this anger to a godly friend so that someone can help to discern whether it is justified. Lastly, seek the goodness of the person whom you are angry.