Season of Waiting

Season of Waiting

Season of waiting – this is one of the topics that is being described in the bible again and again. It says that we are going to spend a lot of waiting and we have to figure out how to trust God in these moments. We must remember that God is never in a hurry and that while we are waiting, He is working. It doesn’t mean that God stopped working but He is just taking us through that season to work out the best from our circumstances – He wants our attitude and character on these times of event. The problem is that sometimes we can’t wait and we want to get things done by our own strength and ability. But there is a blessing through these times of waiting because He set the right time for everything. Maybe right now you are waiting for that breakthrough; waiting for that “right person”; waiting for that proposal or marriage; waiting for that baby; waiting for that perfect job. We might get frustrated – we’ve all been there. Just learn to continuously trust Him and when that right moment comes, waiting will be worth it!