Gratitude in All Things

Gratitude in All Things

This scripture written by Paul reminds us an important attitude – being grateful in everything. In the good, bad, messy, ugly, painful, joyful, weak, strong, happy or sad times, we are to continue to praise and give God thanks. But sometimes it is difficult to be thankful when we are in the state of discouragement, disappointment and disaster. Jesus said that we will have troubles but He will always be with us all the time (John 16:33 – “… In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”.) We need to understand that God is directing our circumstances for our good and most importantly for His glory. I remember few years ago that all of my job applications (Ireland & Hong Kong) didn’t materialize due to disagreements about the offer. Now I understand that God wants me here in Dubai for a purpose. There is always a purpose why we experience trials so instead of worrying, praise and give thanks to God as He is preparing the best for us. Look forward to the promises and joy set before us – His promises are real and if we believe Him, there is no circumstance that can steal our thanksgiving.