Keyword is TRUST

Keyword is TRUST

The keyword here is ‘TRUST’. These verses are constant reminder to us to always reignite to the depth, strength and necessity of our relationship with the Lord. We all face different battles in our lives and are all waiting for breakthrough and victory. But suffering is also a chance of time to wait until we feel and sense the presence of His strength so we have to continuously seek Him until we begin to feel His faithfulness saturating our circumstances. We might be pretending to others that we are okay and we are happy but with God, we can always be vulnerable; just wait on God until we are assured and grounded that He is with us in defeating the trials. As I always say, life is not always full of happiness; there will be times to be challenged through our circumstances. When that moment arrives, it is necessary that we turn to His words and know and be reminded that our circumstances are never greater than the promises God has given us. We should always declare that in Jesus’ name, everything will be alright. Every morning is always an opportunity to experience His goodness and faithfulness in our lives. Today, if you feel that suffering and struggles seem to be a daily occurrence, just rest in knowing these trials are only temporary and that with God, we will win over it.