Making the Best Use of Time

Making the Best Use of Time

Main point here is that we should make most of our time and be wise on spending it. We might miss opportunities that God places in front of us. All of us have 24 hours a day meaning our time is limited and walking in wisdom means valuing the time we have. God wants us to get the full value of our time and squeeze all the good we can out of every moment in our lives. Jesus did not stop in spreading the good news and His “schedule” was full-packed. Another thing to note is – it is better to filter out activities whether if it is urgent or important. Urgent matters will require our time immediately while important things may contribute to our long term goals even if it doesn’t require fast action. The world we live in is full of hardships and confusions, so let’s all be wise on how we live our daily lives. Seize every opportunity that God has prepared for us and don’t let foolish things control us. We should look beyond our circumstances and see the bigger picture.