Don’t be Surprised!

Don’t be Surprised!

The bible has a lot to say about suffering. We all face different battles; no one is exempted! On these verses, seems like we are reminded that our suffering is to be expected. As Christians, we can be easily judged – on how we act, talk and think. As a follower of Christ, expect that some people may hate us and with this, we shouldn’t be shocked. The world is becoming intolerant with His ideals and truths. If we voice out our belief about certain thing and if it is not popular, we might get new enemies and hatred may out pour. In the event like this, we should respond according to His words – love our neighbors and pray for our enemies. We must also remember that it is a privilege to suffer for the sake of Christ. When we lay down our rights and comfort to continue spreading out His good news and expanding His Kingdom – that is the moment that we are closer to the heart of God. Many Christians are being persecuted all over the world. We all have different sufferings while continuing His good works. Some of us might be in the ministry and serving passionately but still the trials are there. Maybe you are in a place that prohibits exercising Christianity. God will grant us the grace to suffer well just to bear His light so that others may see. May we rejoice in our shared suffering, knowing that one day we will also share in His revealed glory.