How to Face Insults

How to Face Insults

“Christian ka pa naman!”, “Leader ka pa naman!” – those words are the common insults that we Christians face from unbelievers or sometimes from fellow believers. In these situations, I always ask God to help me show them extra grace. Many people have developed an unhealthy “defense mechanisms” as response to frustrations and insults. Some people shout, others are being violent and few are being sarcastic. But how can we respond like Jesus in the midst of insult? We have to stay calm and ignore those things. When we are irritated, God looks into our character rather than our comfort. We can also look past their behavior and see their pain as hurt people will often hurt others. They might be also experiencing fear and insecurity and probably shouldering a pressure that we are not aware. Another way is to look at them as a test from God to help us polish our attitudes and have more patience and develop compassion. Most importantly, insults and frustrations give us the opportunity to show grace and learn how to forgive quickly.