Don’t Miss His Call

Don’t Miss His Call

How can we identify the call of God? There will be a time that God will call us to make a change or move to another place and I assure you that we will experience a leading that is so strong there is no way to go another path. I remember few years ago that God called me in this place but was not clear to me why. I received job offers from Ireland and Hong Kong but a disagreement on the package was always the ending. I didn’t understand why and it became clear to me during the church revival on 2016. When we step into God’s call sometimes it can be uncomfortable and it forces us to fully depend to God. Moving out of the comfort zone is not always easy but we MUST trust God, there is no other choice. We might not understand at the start but the way He will ask us to go is the perfect “street”. When you read the bible, it has a lot of stories about people who stepped into God’s call and initially, it was unfathomable; they felt unworthy and seemed like illogical. But every time they said “Yes”, God showed up.

Maybe there is a call that God is asking you to step into. Whether it is a change in career, new business venture or a ministry that needs your help and assistance. Whatever it is, rest assured that He will take care of everything once you say “Yes”.